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CWU Youth, Health And Safety, Equal Opportunities Depts Hold First Joint Fringe
Meeting At Conference 2016

The Health, Safety & Environment Department, Equal Opportunities Department and Youth Department are taking the opportunity of giving early notice to CWU Annual Conference delegates of the first ever joint lunchtime fringe meeting organised for Monday 25th April 2016 at 1pm.

How common are mental illnesses in the UK?

  • Anxiety will affect 10% of the population
  • Bipolar disorder will affect one in 100
  • One in every 150 15-year-old girls will get anorexia, and one in every 1000 15-year-old boys
  • 20% of people will become depressed at some point in their lives
  • OCD will affect 2%
  • Personality disorder will affect one in 10, though for some it won't be severe
  • Schizophrenia will affect one in 100
  • One in four people are expected to experience a mental health problem.

(Source: Royal College of Psychiatrists)

Creating mentally healthy workplaces

One in four people are expected to experience a mental health problem, yet stigma and discrimination are still very common.  Myths such as assuming mental illness is somehow down to a 'personal weakness' still exist.
Mental health problems are common - but nearly nine out of ten people who experience them say they face stigma and discrimination as a result. This can be even worse than the symptoms themselves. "Time to Change" is the nation's biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination.

Last Month a new report was published by "Time to Change" which addresses the steps employers can take to create mentally healthy workplaces, based on feedback from employees and national best practice. The report also considers different responsibilities of Employers and Occupational Health professionals in supporting employees with mental health problems and how they can tackle stigma, improve their workplaces and support employees with mental health problems.

The Union's concerns regarding the need for employers to tackle work-related stress, anxiety and mental health has become a key issue, debated at CWU Conferences in recent years.

We are pleased to announce that the Guest Speaker at this year's Annual Conference, Health, Safety & Environment, Equal Opportunities and Youth combined joint lunchtime fringe meeting: Monday 25th April 2016 will be Sarah Restall

"Time to Change" is a Mental Health anti-stigma organisation run by the leading mental health charities "Mind" and "Rethink Mental Illness". Sarah will deliver a presentation followed by a question and answer session.
We look forward to delegates joining us at this important meeting.

Source: CWU

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